
12. June 2024
Visit from Prof. Stojan Kravanja and Assistant Prof. Gregor Kravanja
Professors Kravanja visited the TU Science Center, engaging in an exchange of ideas and current work focused on sustainable building materials and circular construction. The visit was highlighted by presentations from Professor Merta and Assistant Professor Kravanja.

people in front of a screen

On June 12th, Professor Stojan Kravanja and his colleague, Assistant Professor Gregor Kravanja, from the faculty of civil engineering from the University of Maribor visited the UP!crete Team from TU Wien at the TU Science Center for an insightful exchange of ideas and research. The visit commenced with a presentation by Professor Merta, who showcased her previous as well as her and her team’s ongoing work, including the UP!crete project.

Assistant Professor Kravanja followed Professor Merta’s presentation to discuss his recent work and upcoming research endeavors. His presentation delved into the field of materials science and carbonation, highlighting his commitment to developing new environmentally friendly ways to produce building materials. His research in this area promises to lead to new ways of improving materials in sustainable construction.

The visit also included a comprehensive tour of the science center’s laboratories, where Professor Merta’s team conducts their research. This provided an opportunity for the visitors to witness the facilities and possibilities of the team.

Throughout the visit there were productive discussions about future collaborations and endeavors in the realm of sustainable building materials.

people standing in a lab