
12. September 2024
Invited Lecture by Jiri Kočica
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Jiri Kočica has been invited to the TU Wien Science Center on 12.9.2024 to give his lecture “Art in relation to Science and the environment”.

Professor Jiri Kočica

Jiri Kočica – “Art in relation to Science and the environment”

Date: 12th September 2024
Time: 10:00-12:00
Location: TU Wien Science Center, Building OC, Seminar room 1 (Lilienthalgasse 14)


Art has always been a kind of mediator for new ideas in society. In recent decades, art has also had a major influence on the environmental aspects of our lives. This has also been recognized in the context of the new EU initiative New European Bauhaus (NEB).

Jiri Kočica, sculptor and associate professor at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, will give in his lecture  a short introduction to the NEB  and present some case studies from his own portfolio where art has been strongly influenced by science, and he will emphasize the importance of involving people from different backgrounds in such projects.

Among others, he will present the artistic transformation of an old military prison in Ljubljana into a vibrant hostel Celica, which was described by the Guardian as “the hippest hotel in the world”, as well as the monumental permanent exhibition Signs of Science at the Institute of Chemistry. At the end of his talk, there will be an opportunity to discuss recycling and circular economy in the construction sector and beyond, and how art can address specific challenges.

If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to Daniella Mehanni (