
06. June 2024
Dissemination of UP!crete at the SGP 2024 Conference in Serbia
At the SGP 2024 conference, Bojan Poletanovic presented his research on sustainable hemp fiber geopolymers and introduced the UP!crete project. The event provided valuable insights into modern construction practices and current trends in the sector.

Bojan Poletanovic and four other persons in front of company displays

The SGP 2024 (“Contemporary Construction Practice 2024”) – conference organized by the Society of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad, was held on June 5-7, 2024, at the Borkovac hotel in Ruma, Serbia.

PhD candidate Bojan Poletanovic took part in the conference to present his PhD research on the durability of hemp fibre reinforced geopolymers. Within his presentation he showcased the current “best practice” of “green construction” in Austria, offering valuable insights into sustainable building materials. In this context he also gave an introduction into the UP!crete Project.

The focus of the conference was modern methods of design and construction in everyday engineering practice. The international event attracted leading industrial partners in Serbia and representatives of government bodies, including Lafarge and the Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection, as well as various representatives from institutes and academia. The conference also featured a panel discussion on construction and demolition waste, addressing critical issues related to sustainability and waste management in the construction industry.

Impressions of the event