
14. September 2023
2. UP!crete consortium meeting
Around 4 months after the 1st consortium meeting, the 2nd meeting took place. The project partners met again in the provincial capital of Lower Austria.

group picture of the UP!crete consortium

The project management ecoplus invited the members of the consortium to St. Pölten on 14.9.2023. Around 30 representatives of the various project partners accepted the invitation and took part in this second meeting.

The program this time included reports on the status quo of the two working groups on concrete and aggregates as well as presentations on the concepts of the state of the art and the state of science. Based on the reports from the groups, new priorities were set and tests that were no longer required were removed from the plans. Responsibilities for the preparation of the aforementioned documents were also defined in order to ensure effective cooperation. Another important development was the formation of an additional working group within the project. The focus of the new subgroup will be the use of the fine fraction generated during the recycling of construction waste.

The meeting was also driven by organizational necessities. Necessary deadlines for tasks were discussed, test plans were defined and the next meetings within the individual working groups were arranged. A date for the 3rd consortium meeting, which is to also conclude the 1st year of research, was of course also found.