
23. May 2023
1. UP!crete consortium meeting
The kickoff meeting of the UP!crete project took place on May 23, 2023. The members of the consortium came together at the Science Center of TU Wien.

group picture of the consortium members

During the meeting, the current status and goals of the individual stakeholders were presented and the opportunities and obstacles of the individual project partners were discussed. Among other things, the availability and essential properties of different source materials were discussed. Furthermore, promising treatment methods were presented and their implementation discussed. With reference to economic and ecological aspects, it was then decided which treatment methods should be pursued in the following years of research.

Voices from the consortium:

“Challenges in the project include impurities and fines in the demolition material, the fact that primary raw materials are sometimes cheaper than secondary materials, and keeping the carbon footprint as low as possible.”

“It is important to expand regulations and allow higher replacement rates for aggregates.”

“The aim is to increase sales of recycled concrete and thus utilize production facilities to capacity.”


Impressions of the 1st consortium meeting