News from UP!crete

people in front of a screen
June 12th, 2024

Visit from Prof. Stojan Kravanja and Assistant Prof. Gregor Kravanja

Professors Kravanja visited the TU Science Center, engaging in an exchange of ideas and current work focused on sustainable building materials and circular construction. The visit was highlighted by presentations from Professor Merta and Assistant Professor Kravanja.

Bojan Poletanovic and four other persons in front of company displays
June 6th, 2024

Dissemination of UP!crete at the SGP 2024 Conference in Serbia

At the SGP 2024 conference, Bojan Poletanovic presented his research on sustainable hemp fiber geopolymers and introduced the UP!crete project. The event provided valuable insights into modern construction practices and current trends in the sector.

Prof. Merta speaks at the BRV-Conference
May 22nd, 2024

Annual BRV-Conference 2024 “New paths for recycling of building materials”

The annual conference of the BRV took place on 22.5.2024. Prof. Merta presented the UP!crete project as part of the event.

Prof. Merta talks in front of students
April 22nd, 2024

Lecture on “Recycled Aggregate Concrete” at the Brno University of Technology

Prof. Merta presented exciting insights into the topic of “Recycled Aggregate Concrete” and the UP!crete project at Brno University of Technology on April 22. The lecture was part of the “Blended Intensive Program (BIP) - Material and Structural Integrity Aspects”.

group photo in front of a crusher
April 18th, 2024

Visit to the Recycling Center Himberg

Project partner PORR offered the opportunity to experience the processing of construction waste at first hand. For this purpose, an invitation was extended to the Himberg Recycling Center.

group photo of the UP!crete consortium
February 27th, 2024

3. UP!crete consortium meeting

On the occasion of the completion of the first research year of the UP!crete industry project, the 3. consortium meeting took place on February 27, 2024. At the meeting of the project partners, at the premises of PORR Bau GmbH, initial results were presented and discussed, and the next steps in the project were planned.

students watch a presentation
January 31st, 2024

Open House 2024

On January 31, 2024, the Open House of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at TU Wien took place.

group picture of the UP!crete consortium
September 14th, 2023

2. UP!crete consortium meeting

Around 4 months after the 1st consortium meeting, the 2nd meeting took place. The project partners met again in the provincial capital of Lower Austria.

group picture of the consortium members
May 23rd, 2023

1. UP!crete consortium meeting

The kickoff meeting of the UP!crete project took place on May 23, 2023. The members of the consortium came together at the Science Center of TU Wien.

The circular economy potential of the construction industry is high:

  • 50 % of all extracted raw materials in the EU can be attributed to the construction industry, 90 % of which are non-renewable mineral raw materials.
  • 30 % of the waste generated in the EU can be attributed to the construction industry, 60 % of which is mineral waste, the highest part of which is concrete

interested? Learn more about UP!crete.

UP!crete is funded in the FFG basic program Collective Research with funds from the BMK and co-financed by the project partners.